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As a doctor working in the field of trauma medicine, I have witnessed numerous cases of polytrauma, where children are involved in devastating accidents. However, there is one survival story that stands out among all the others, as it highlights the incredible strength and resilience of a young patient.

It was a sunny afternoon when an ambulance rushed into our trauma center, sirens blaring, carrying a seven-year-old girl Vedika ,who had been involved in a severe car accident. The scene was chaotic, with paramedics frantically relaying information about the child's injuries and vitals.

Upon initial assessment, it was evident that she had suffered life-threatening injuries. Her body was covered in bruises and lacerations, and her vital signs were unstable. Her parents, who had also been in the car, were emotionally distraught, but their anxiety soon turned into hope as our team sprang into action.

Within minutes, the paediatric trauma team assembled, consisting of Paediatrician, surgeons, nurses, anesthesiologists,  all prepared to tackle the challenges that lay ahead. Every second mattered and maintaining clear communication was crucial in ensuring the best outcome for our young patient.

The initial evaluation revealed multiple fractures in her limbs, a severe head injury, and internal bleeding. Our team immediately mobilized to stabilize her condition while ordering a battery of tests to fully understand the extent of her injuries. CT head and chest-abdomen confirm large hematoma in brain with multiple rib fracture with liver laceration. The sheer complexity of her condition was daunting, but we were determined not to let it deter us.

Over the course of the next few hours, our paediatric surgeons skilfully repaired her fractures, while neurosurgeon performed Craniotomy and relived intracranial pressure. For for Liver laceration Blood support with conservative approach was chooses.  It felt like a constant battle against time, but we never gave up. The teamwork and relentless dedication of every member of the trauma team were truly remarkable to witness.

Days turned into weeks, and the little girl began showing signs of improvement, little by little. Her pain became more manageable, her movements more purposeful, and her cognitive function slowly started to return. It was an emotional rollercoaster for her parents, as they witnessed their child fight for her life and gradually make a remarkable recovery.

Months of extensive rehabilitation followed, as our patient worked tirelessly to regain her strength, coordination, and speech. It was truly awe-inspiring to see her determined and unwavering spirit despite the immense challenges she faced. Every small achievement was a cause for celebration, not just for her but for the entire medical team that had cared for her.

Today, years later, that little girl is a vibrant teenager, living a fulfilling life. She visits our PICU occasionally, a constant reminder of the tremendous impact we can make as healthcare professionals. Her story has become an inspiration to countless others who are battling their own traumas.As a doctor, it is moments like these that make every long hour, every sleepless night, and every emotionally draining day worthwhile. The survival of this polytrauma child has not only reaffirmed my commitment to saving lives but has also taught me the power of resilience, the

Strength of human spirit and the indomitable will to overcome adversity.

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